Mandala of the Heart


A stable position

Every once in a while I changed my position. I work on my work like a sculptor. I'm going around it. With the chisel, I sometimes reattach to this one. The work itself remains an immovable one. It's firmly anchored to the ground.

That's how I shape the work. The activity on it then also forms me. Sometimes this weakens me, but sometimes I also gain a real strength. I believe in the necessity of my own gesture. The joy of working becomes tangible for me. With such a manner, my work also gains in importance. A nice side effect is that I become a person who thinks he is happy.


To be with oneself

Then, when man's consciousness is understood as the formed portion of his spirit, one has probably soon found access to the fullness of the unconscious, the vision of the given. That's supposed to be the face of things. Such a thing will have to be perceived sensually. It'll be easy to see what's more of it. 

And if man certainly would not always be permeated with wisdom for the whole, he has his share in the world.


An atmosphere of optimism

Everything that will normalize me and my things a bit in my work without slowing down my actual pace of work or even the progress of work too much would actually be good for me. But how can I do something like this for myself in a simple way?

What was my goal at work? Oh, what way have I walked as I've progressed and what way have I been thrown back? Will an actual success happen to me sooner or later in a way favored by myself? - Let's hope so. I believe in it. So I will probably justifiably experience some renewal of my powers. Who knew in advance what kind of flowers would grow in his life? - And they shall be blossoms.

What will be my next thought after that? - I sometimes have concerns. I assume a premature perishability of one's own things through the influence of time on us humans. We are living in the digital age today, but I haven't been able to convince myself that this technology brings a lot of good with it. Even if I have not (yet) been made familiar with all the things it can bring with it, I have a suspicion against the digital. Does it do justice to man with his own virtuality? - I've looked into that. I felt it the way it seemed to me. I would now like to say here that people have certainly not yet made themselves clear about the realities of such an age. We just wouldn't know what's possible tomorrow. I should also like to make it quite clear that that change can now take place very quickly. He'll do this at a pace he's never done before. And this will certainly happen worldwide. A lot's gonna change there. Nothing would be exempt from the digital trying to influence it. Some things are simply replaced by it. The digital would certainly be nothing more than a phenomenon of time.

I would now like to say something in this Wiki about the time as a phenomenon. I was wondering this. What has been the essence of time since time immemorial? - Time is sometimes really one of the essential engines of a decay of conditions. It has sometimes stood in contrast to the preservation of things by man. The latter will be something that we are likely to rightly accept as one of the meanings or tasks of civilization. Without preserving the given, there will be no preservation of such things as determine our happiness today.

The natural decay of things by us humans through the influence of time is opposed only by a force for the preservation of these things, the culture. This is supposed to be a power that is brought about by human existence. It will continue to be one of man's true strengths. To do this, it must be continually renewed. You're supposed to think that's true. Her condition is ailing in some places. Each of us is so conditioned by the nature of this civilization that we feel something of the nature of the world in us. That wouldn't always be easy to handle.

Where are we with our things right now? - The true use of our strength shall be one to find those benign portions of this human existence. These are sufficient for the whole as a whole. There will be many ways to prove it. I see it that way. Therefore, in my writings I am again and again concerned with that order recognized by men and with its observance in the presentation of my reasons for existence. 

I have no idea how to do that, how to preserve the things of one's own life and how to prevent an expected decline in oneself. But I found a bit of something about it, which was confirmed in my meditation and also in the events of everyday life. Then I found that to be true and correct. So I realized that I wanted to write something about it. For the actual future of myself, I stand up while designing these text works.

What do I hold on to in everyday life? - Some basic statements should already carry an actual value by themselves. I collect them and present something of my own with the help of certain thoughts and ideas in texts. Meanwhile, I know one thing. One should not hastily shorten the actual paths. That's what I'm going to do. This has already become very important for my artistic work. At some other time, I'll go into that. 

You try at all times to find your way back. That's supposed to be your own way. One faithfully acknowledges the true events of this existence in order to make something of them. These should be regarded as something good for us throughout. They can be presented as facts. It will certainly be so necessary for us human beings to understand what is given to us. One should be well informed about such occurrences as human existence holds them in store for us. Yes, one should arm oneself against any actual weakening of one's own knowledge. That is why one executes one's word in an acceptable manner.

Some things disturb us and force their way into our consciousness in a vehement way. It's confusing things for us. We sometimes get into a state of unrest about it. Such events are to be recognized by us at an early stage, once they have arisen and arisen. One does not only look at happiness, but also recognizes a danger to oneself in one's own existence. That should be done quite rightly. It will then be right for us to be primarily committed to preserving those things of our own that mean everything to us. That should get us in the mood for what to do. So we ourselves will probably be able to act one day, while others have to think about what the truth is about in this life. Despite all the given tranquillity of his things, this existence is by no means about the experience of idleness, slowness and arbitrariness. That's to be ruled out.

There are many things that need to be understood correctly. We should acknowledge the given and use it as a guideline for ourselves in this existence. You don't lie to yourself when you're clearing things up. This is all supposed to be as true as it really happens. Despite an exaggeratedly urgent change of things in our time today, one is moderate and somewhat moderate. It wouldn't be so easy to disarm like that.

It is important for me to be prepared to denounce something wrong already at the stage of its creation in my environment. A situation of any kind should not come true for me, no matter how flattering it will be for some. I would like to make it clear that our things, the common as well as our own, do not need to degenerate. We don't want to let that happen. You should realize for yourself that such a thing would not be necessary. 

Now we want to gather for a short time. What do we remember? - So there is certainly a danger to life in this existence. Both the cause of a human being and its value can be lost to us. And it will therefore be a double danger which threatens to befall us. So we can even lose everything in several ways. 

When reading these writings from me, it would probably not be overlooked for the practiced observer that an (also) unfavorable change for the preservation of peace and order has already occurred with me at times.

I'll take on this one. It should not matter to me what peace and order have already been restricted for me by. It is more important for me to get these two through here in time. This is done in such a way that they will find their regular stock again and again. In the least I would like to do that for mine and for myself, that they may enter and finally be true. 


Knowing how to prepare yourself

Here on the website 'Mandala of the Heart' Mathias Schneider, an 'Art-Trash'-artist from Offenburg in Mittelbaden, Germany, wants to conscientiously collect and write down that which is good, what he needs for his life and what is essential for him and to form it into a coherent whole, which can also exist in front of other people. That's his wish, that it will one day.

What does he need to live? - Here he would like to show the essence of his existence himself in a completely valid way, so that he can take note of it. Anything different in knowledge will actually only be a ballast for him. This is to be recognized as such if it will be too cumbersome to deal with in the long run. Then something like this should no longer be considered here. But still some of his lyrics have been complained about the fact that strange things have actually crept in here and are enforcing this show of works with boring contents. 

The author of this page filters out such a ballast from time to time and leaves it to a certain extent on its way back. To do that, he removes him from his side. He does this when he can clearly say that something was not really needed by him to fulfill the task assigned to him. This Wiki is not meant to be inflated by words, but rather to be slimmed down by an exact reproduction of the valid things, so that it becomes handy and applicable. 

It is important for Schneider to be functional and agile, also seen from the spirit. So it is a good exercise for him to be able to let go of something that will actually be superfluous to do. He wants to be permanently free from the unused and unneeded. 

Those words, which he rightly takes up elsewhere, he considers in himself and now, accompanying his everyday life, wants to write down here the quintessence of what he has imagined. In doing so, he tries to preserve something essential of it for himself. He simply writes these things down and weights them thoroughly afterwards. He presents the criteria he uses for this in conjunction with his thoughts and ideas. He does so because the aim of this text is to illuminate his actual habitus for this life. 

It is true that Schneider has already written a lot at times. The fact is that he hardly finds anything additional to these things to consider in everyday life. Then his mind rests, the author himself also rests a little. In this way he can recover from his previous work.

The writings that were written in the meantime are now to be prepared in a useful way so that they would no longer be too complex for a certain readership. That will be another suitable step for the realization of his things. The property preserved here is to be understood once easily by a stranger. Schneider goes in a quiet manner to improve all this a little bit with the time.

Something he's already done. Thus this work illustrates much of its actual constitution. He expected something good from that. The author would like to determine his position in this existence with that specific but suitable perspective for himself. Here, too, he draws the whole as a representation of his most elementary motives. He intends to put his own things more and more in the right light. He wants to do that so they can be seen. He does this willingly and gladly, because he himself feels that these things are worth it to him. 

From this point of view he creates for himself a reference to this existence as a human being and to the things connected with it. He would like to be able to stand his ground well and thus represent his own affairs. 

He thought of something about himself before. It is certainly the case that a person's fate will be a watchful one when it comes to the possibilities of this life. It certainly only allows those things to be true for us human beings which do justice to ourselves. Evidence or at least proof of this should be provided once, but is still pending. Schneider thought it over for himself. And there it will be correct that the author has to submit to such a fact which is higher than him. Schneider himself acknowledges this and now tries to learn something new that he can really put into practice in everyday life. Accordingly, Schneider's entire oeuvre should appear to the readership with a certain degree of coherence.

Meanwhile, the author perceives one thing. He acknowledges that in earlier times of his existence he did not really know that this life would one day be so full of complaints that he would have to live to such an extent. At that time he did not foresee the difficulties associated with his existence today. Many a evil has come about for him in the meantime and has sometimes shaken him badly. 

Nevertheless, his life has remained a richly beautiful one for him. He knows how to use his lifetime in a benign way. At least he's trying to do what he can.

Anyone who, as Schneider does, approaches writing down the basic principles of this life for himself with the help of card indexes, will need a real belief in the truthfulness of what he himself has experienced. And this shall be given us right. We'll find out after all. We want our memories to persist. 

True to such occurrences, Schneider has now briefly introduced his workshow. While dealing with his wikis, he finds a lot of things in his own home that have to do with himself. And he does not exclude that, while continuing to complete this collection of texts.

In particular, he uses the 'mandala of the heart' in such a way. In addition, he tries to predetermine some inner moments in himself linguistically. What he recognized when he looked back on this existence, he notes here in order to rethink it at a later point in his life.


Reading something in things

In order to create space for the further, Schneider sometimes also erases something that is actually good, if it has not been used here to understand the given correctly. He does this so that these good things would not press against each other and his own word would not burst under such a burden.

Prologue II 

A provision

In hardly anything else have people at times been so mistaken in their ideas as when setting up an equation or inequality to calculate the given things. Man has often not been well able to carry out that approach for such a provision in a fundamentally correct manner. He has also often refused to illustrate his world of thoughts and ideas. As a rule, he has not recorded anything about what will be usable for a review and possible correction of his services. 

But before the things have been named completely, according to their actual representation, one would not be able to assume that they are known. Then we will not find a single valid approach for this, by means of which a calculation of the circumstances can be initiated. Sometimes people are simply not used to working vividly with the questions of this life. It's a shame for them, of course.

Schneider is also working on a representation of the conditions of his existence. He describes the own art thing and the way of its creation here on the Internet in detail. For this he uses the tool of a 'naming of things'. He works with his texts according to such a procedure, which is supposed to connect his goods with each other. In doing so, he creates something that he knows well. He does that according to his current state of knowledge. This is a kind of speech formation which he has already learned to handle well and which he uses there. This has certain forms of its own, with which he has become somewhat familiar in the meantime. In addition to his own art matter, he usually mainly presents trivial content or content that is still to become such. 

The author has searched for a way for himself, on which he can point out his actual concerns correctly for a readership and make them understandable. He didn't do that without illustrating something related to things for you. But what he has portrayed is not always sufficient, as he has already created it. Sometimes there has been a lack of the necessary objects. Sometimes even whole sentences were missing in his lines and had to be supplemented. He only examined and eliminated these types of errors that frequently occurred in his writings after a thorough reading. He's still got some learning to do what he's doing right. He's willing to do that. He associates this with some hope for himself, because in the meantime he is quite constant in his actual things.

There is a question regarding the mnemonic and cognitive learning methodology that Schneider applies to himself. Which method of writing these facts will actually trigger a real learning effect in another person or in himself? - He thought of the following and formulated it afterwards. He is basically looking for a method of systematic improvement of his own method at Werk. In doing so, he continues along a path given to him in an unabridged way, because he hopes to find all the missing goods in time. 

A person's language already possesses an actual capacity of its own. This generates such usable structures by itself, if it has been used correctly. It wasn't magic, what he did with it. It is rather the performance of a work task. He has determined this for himself as a necessary service to be rendered and also approaches it. 

Meanwhile it should be one of the inner engines of his things that he writes in German, because that is his mother tongue. Schneider likes to work with text examples in this language. He tries to make further such examples for the actual concern of these circumstances himself. He does this in order to really deal with them and to work with them. He has already been given many opportunities to do so in order to secure and use his own skills. Gradually he also succeeds in revealing some of his actual work and showing what belongs to it as it corresponds to him. 

What possibilities does he need from himself for this artistic work in addition to a literary preparation of the whole? - In a suitable environment such a thing will succeed well. That's why he sets it up for this work activity at home, as he likes to have it. In connection with the creation of these texts and images, he also keeps to making himself aware of what he is doing, so that he really does well while he knows how to create it all.


A sense of purpose

Schneider works creatively with his mother tongue. He is rather neutral towards the fact that this is a German language for him. But this would not only be his mother tongue, it is also a well developed one. That allows a lot of things. There are many kinds of benign examples of the use of this language in traditional literature. The author believes that it will one day be possible for him to work something useful with her, which can also be used well by other people. 

speech formation 

Introductory Article

For such a writer as Schneider it is well fitting that he reads the self-written again and again as text, that he feels these ideas and thoughts in their validity and that he weights and evaluates in his content what he has created. 

Wouldn't that which has already been preserved be worth paying renewed attention to and receiving by the author, or even being reciped here and elsewhere? Yes, wouldn't it be fitting for a scribe to perceive and affix those to his own things again and again? - What was once given to him has still retained its true value. 

Hasn't one's own cause been important enough for one to want to devote oneself to it again? - If that would not be given, then the respective text will not be a good one either. Then it should be better adapted to today's conditions and revised. It may then be necessary to use it in accordance with this previous claim. But one should not leave him in such a useless or even questionable state. 

The own work should be like the map to a region, the realm of the own experience something very descriptive. You keep it all and get to know it well over time. One eradicates the unknown things gradually by approaching them. So the dark spots on it will become less big and powerful. Your own area can remain known to you if you have visited it again and again. It will, however, have to be clearly limited in scope from the outset, since knowledge of it can vanish if it has been chosen too large by us. It is better to be a little modest with it, and not to accept yourself as overpowering. Our things or the true circumstances of our existence really should not be unmanageable for us.

Once a writer has learned the basics of his actual work and understood them correctly, he will probably soon be able to succeed in the work to come. Then it's really going to get out of his hands. With the always uniform approaches it is important to approach the respective things, so that one can get used to tread this unique way. 

That meaning which we have given again and again to the words already spoken stands for itself and endows us with some strength. This is how we should experience this language and form ourselves on it. It should build the whole of it on the actual better of ourselves. For that we have to integrate it into the words. These are to be named in detail. In this way our own fund can be further expanded and our basis can be created. That would have to be done. That's one thing after another. Then what is given at a given moment will also fit well into the context of our other things. So we would like to finally go into the fact that these things really exist for us. This will be so necessary because they make us special. Maybe we will finally name something of it and thus describe our own in a clear way. We will probably be aware of the anecdotes, stories and wishes we have. 

So we can tell something about our existence, because it exists. We have made this possible before by the detailed discussion of those existing things. It has come true because all that is connected with it has been created in a similar and equal way. 

So we're talking about our own experiences and what we've done. Maybe we'll finally get there. It would be so important that this be done in a simple way. Let us simply allow ourselves to talk about who we are and what we have. Let us simply acknowledge what we have been given. Wouldn't we really be expressing something meaningful like that? Wouldn't that be something to be reckoned with?

It is probably already the case now that the author of these texts is able to penetrate on a secure footbridge into the realm of those things that he has just not suspected, without dissolving himself or even getting lost in the fog of the tides. A useful basis is supposed to do that. It's true he's gotta make sure before he moves on. While he has worked out something of his own here, he constantly considers what is actually given to him. So his thoughts and ideas should find a hold with him. I would like to renew my own vitality and strength by means of these inner impulses. 

What does Schneider know? - Thinking through what has already been given leads to an understanding of it. So you can learn to survive in the realms of language if you adhere to something of what it is. Once Schneider has developed some of his own thoughts and ideas far enough, then these elementals should also occur in his everyday life. If this has finally developed to such an extent that it finds its way to its existence, then it can also take something into its own hands and test itself with it. He should be able to shape something connected with it. 

And it goes ahead with this work. Schneider explores his way of language. He's been doing that for a while now. Much has become clear to him about this world. He has preserved many things here and there in the 'construction kit' for the times to come. A real event will show what he's done right about it. This is all supposed to be good. That's what he finally believes himself.

It is a feeling that arises with him when he develops something real with language, as it is given to him. He is looking for an opportunity to advance his works. Then he will probably also finally go fishing on the river of life with the actual 'boat', once that will be given in such a way that his things succeed. This would be so necessary because then he would probably finally be able to earn a living for himself and his family with his own work.