Two polar opposites
§ At the beginning and at the end there is the structure. So this cosmos is understood correctly.
§ Without structure, that's all. It dissolves in nothingness. Thus the existence is approached and the living is preserved.
A differentiation
Man perceives everything as a whole and recognizes the whole. He can play with it. That's how he handles it. He cautiously feels something and thus preserves the paths to explore an object. In the process, his function becomes clear to him. He can see a salary from it.
Dear Readers,
here on the page 'Mandala of the heart' Mathias Schneider writes about the background of his work as 'Art-Trash'-activist and human being. There should be little at all to be found here and yet it will be the whole thing that constitutes and conditions his habitus.
This work is a mirror of his motivations and actions. The only thing that will appear in it is something that has really been entered into it. This 'mandala' is supposed to be the actual heart of his work. It is characterized by all kinds of lines and colored areas. These would like to be viewed by the readership as a group. One should let them affect oneself as a whole. What would not be necessary, however, would be to immediately assign them to the author and his life and to sufficiently understand everything that occurs here. After all, good things need quite a while of time to thrive and grow up. This statement will also be valid for Schneider's works and their reception.
What does the presentation of an overall view of the work of an artist mean? - The given always has an after-effect on us. It will be there and will continue to be there. Schneider would like to confirm this with its contents. He takes up the essence of things, this world and its references when he presents his things. There the good, as it can appear, should also really be given. It's in his collections. He only evaluates them on his own. Sometimes he can expand his fundus in this way. The author has dealt with his own values and has written down his thoughts and ideas.
Schneider did not shrink from valuing his own things in the process. As an activist of the 'art-trash', he has generally declared these things from his hand to be 'value-free', even if he does not want to devalue them in any way. Thus he creates for himself rather a surface at the foot of the primordial ground of the things occurring with him. He also does this for all those other people who want to join him because they know something about it. With the creation of these works he tries to find a way to exist. He wants to make a difference. Thus he comes to return here frequently and to sift through the given. This is enough for him to find a way to renew his strength after his long days in the business.
The author wants to get on with his business. That's why he's reworking his own property so intensively. 'Be strong. Be awake. "Watch out. - That's what he says to himself. It reminds him of something that can happen.
But now the question arises what to find on this page. The tantra or fabric of this mandala will not be a painted sheet of paper or a pile of flowers on the stone floor, but simply a wiki on the platform of Google Sites, which can be found on the Internet. The 'Mandala of the Heart' is above all a simple website. Schneider likes to use this current technology for himself and his work, as it has certain advantages over conventional writing programs. During the phase of its creation this is something interesting, because you can generate first readers. The wiki will be published as a book afterwards. The Internet also makes it easier for him to access his work. He can therefore work on it from many places because it can be found online.
He would like to welcome those who have already arrived here. If you would like to stay here for a while and read more about it in this Wiki, you will be grateful. But Schneider also warns against it. The approach to its contents should not be too lax. The respective reader should take care that the contents appearing here are still abundantly unfinished. So be on your guard against the possible weaknesses of this work. Do not read these writings until you are concerned about these warning words.
In the meantime, the author checks these texts further for their correctness. His work has not yet been completed by him. It continues to grow in all possible directions. Meanwhile, one or the other of these will thrive and be acceptable.
Basically it can be said that Schneider retouched his writings after their first creation. The texts occurring here would not yet all be equally coherent. Some of them have been revised better than others. The structure of this collection of own writings is meanwhile being examined by its author. A conclusive sequence of his own thoughts and ideas is very important to him.
It would like the respective readership to build itself once on it to regard this Wiki here in detail. Schneider believes that this can make something good possible. What else but that should happen if you look over the shoulder of a writer while he is writing his work?
With this in mind we wish you much pleasure in reading it
kind regards
the author Mathias Schneider
On our own case
With my works I can only reproduce what I have already seen. That's how I made my things. The own good is a sum of the whole, which can be derived from the total good I know. Of course, I've done some things better than others. Just as well one will assume that I have an actual focus, which determines my work. And yet I strive for a plateau on which these things will find their continuance. This is supposed to be a secure basis for further development. Obtaining them will make a difference.
When creating my fonts I start from some simple assumptions. One of them is the inner reference of a person, which should allow him to put something on his own existence and to hold on to what it is.
Meanwhile I did not look for a difficult task for myself, but rather recognized the given and accepted it as given. So I can have an inner picture, which I want to hold on to. That's when I find out and I can see for myself what it means. Doing this is supposed to strengthen my mind.
A design principle
The body of man will be an illustration of the ways (of the spirit) of man. What is shaped by us, we also experience directly in ourselves.