The most important of all phenomena known to me is supposed to be the passing of things, their fading away as a natural phenomenon. New space is created within the given framework and makes everything possible without us losing more than the surplus.
For some people, being Europeans and doing yoga is like drinking schnapps and thinking it's water.
A person's language uses the modulation of the given to obtain its expression. That's how man speaks. The latter acknowledges the diversity of the given, but remains limited to the seemingly essential. Only that which has a comprehensible structure as its own can be conveyed by us humans. But the essence of the structure will be seen by each person in his own way. There different meanings of the given appear and come to light. This will be so true, because people have just not made themselves a uniform idea of what they really need.
Information about this Wiki
The work here reflects the Wiki 'Brangassivo's Mandala' in a new edition of it. The older wiki remains frozen in its current state as a database. Here the work on the 'Mandala of the Heart', as it is now called, is continued and has been published again. The old work has gone offline in the meantime.
About the becoming of things
Faithful to a person's faith and a concept of things, we should act in harmony with what makes us special. That's gonna be something that means a lot to us. That's what we want to do. In this way we shall succeed in something that we really needed.
Man has something about himself that gives him a sense of the given. Thus it becomes its default, a reference point for the existing. If we first orient ourselves by it, we will also experience happiness. This is supposed to be our happiness in life, which becomes so true.
One has found many tasks in this existence for oneself and accomplishes one's works. Each one of them is to be completed once. That's how you win something because you stick to it. This will open up a path that we want to follow.
If we first open up and do our works, then we also come to some opinion about the nature of things in this cosmos. We recognize its essence as truth, just as we understand this existence as reality.
Now we have already recognized some things and would like to create the work as it will be possible for us. We have to take a look at that. What is it that makes a man work? Yes, what kind of works should we have? - Here we should orientate ourselves on the magnitudes and laws of the physical something in order to move something for us in simplicity and joy.
§ Those who give more than they demand back in return make rapid progress.
§ The given can be preserved by leaving it as it is.
§ A self-acting regulation of one's own actions causes a human strength.
§ A knowledge of the given opens good ways.
§ The nature given to us contains finite fillings.
§ Emptiness is an engine of the given. It brings about all the freedoms of choice for ourselves.
§ Without any real resistance, we just fall down.
§ All happiness is based on human orientation.
§ The principle of a finite life must urgently be the realization of its imminent decline.
§ Every misfortune erases our possible happiness and apparently overwrites it.
§ What has an effect must also be there.
§ This world is a fractal of order principles that are always the same and should be understood as such.
Every thought is of value
A compilation of the given makes us humans think. There we will perceive something that causes each other and thus preserve the matrices of the current events. Thanks to a finiteness of things, their limitation to a manageable range, this will be so true. There we pick up what is given and put it into relation. We'll understand some of it this way.
But there are also other things that occur in a person's mind. These are the impulses, those of orders of magnitude detached from everything else. We also have to deal with these, since they impel us. Their characteristic is that they will put us in another position. Suddenly everything affects us in a different way than before, once that has happened. We need our gift for observation. We must therefore re-evaluate what we have been given, because it is now different. But this is supposed to be a simple and common procedure for the experienced user. Basically, that's gonna be doable.
What will be the prerequisites for this? - If we first acknowledge the fundamental principle of the value concept for a person's thinking, then it will take little effort to acknowledge a thought as valuable and important if it has arisen with us. Then we should also accept it as our own thought. Even if we may not have correctly recognized its reference system at this point, we do know who has this thought. It's supposed to be us. For some reason, he came to us. So now he belongs to us perceived. For this purpose we use it in our imagination of this cosmos of its own kind. Something should become clear to us.
Here we simply form the valid reference system for him, in order to be able to understand his significance for the situation right here on the spot. It'll mean something, after all, it's supposed to be a real thought. We have to acknowledge a fundamental value of such a thing if we do not want to ignore it.
A certain matrix, which consists of references and things, makes the individual appear in a system of orders and thus makes something clear. But also the individual, to everything else seemingly independent, has a reference system, which will be of a similar nature. That's likely. It will be up to us to name it and show what thoughts and ideas come into question. We'll have to find out for ourselves. Let's simply orientate ourselves on something familiar that has really already existed. But it will be good if it is something that occurs locally and can be seen here. To ensure this, we would like to ask ourselves the following question.
§ What is the very thing we can associate our own actual thoughts with here?
A cosmos of its own
The assertion that man possesses his own cosmos should occur here and be clarified. First of all, it will have to be explained what the author Schneider means when he talks about his cosmos.
§ The own cosmos is, according to his thoughts, an own area within the given, which he can explore and experience.
That's what he thinks about, that's what he has ideas about. So he becomes familiar with this thing.
Sometimes other people take some of his power from him, and therefore reduce the content of his cosmos. Something's getting mixed up. This must then find its way back into order or something will split off and get lost.
Because this has happened so often in Schneider's life that he has been talked into his things, he temporarily withdraws into his own area. There he goes into seclusion with himself and checks what he has entered. This will be something with which he can ensure his need for thoughts and ideas about this existence. There he wins a lot of territory and can move a lot for himself.
He calls this own cosmos his little cosmos. This is supposed to be a sphere with which he knows how to identify in this existence. There his things will succeed. Other things can happen. He calls this area 'Saria'. Elsewhere, he's written down some things about it.
Since Schneider is keen on freeing himself from manipulative suggestions from his environment, he has sought a way to accomplish this himself. He has set up a procedure with which he can do this well. He also named it with a name he invented himself. 'Vicodhabandam' is this. It should point out that we humans in this world are charged with all sorts of wrong and wrong things. This changes our ways and makes it more difficult to achieve our own goals.
The one who strives for self-realization would not be able to avoid liberation from it. He will also have to go into seclusion with himself in order to find out first of all what is really caused by him. That's when we realize a lot about it.
Our qualities as human beings are composed of something. On the one hand there are our goods and talents to name, on the other hand influences and temporal as well as local conditions will affect us. Those who want to free themselves from unnecessary adversities in their existence will have to find a comparable path for themselves, as Schneider has pointed out and named it here.
An ordinary condition shall be that of an adjustment. Again and again it happens. This is taking place with complete justification.
Such a condition should not cause discomfort for us. We like to be liberated from everything, perceive it that way and come to terms with it.
A new beginning
In the event that it is possible to follow a path again and again, similar path markings are also required. In this respect, the fact that we have already identified one of the cornerstones of this process benefits the consideration of this matter.
This should be the starting point for all conceivable and feasible paths. At the same time it is correctly recognized as the end point of such a path. There these circles close from the outset and remain also so.
To make it easy for himself, Schneider has set the state of adjustment as the starting point for his things. Without any influence of one's own there is still everything that occurs and exists. He would like to return to this landmark at more or less regular intervals. This should then be an option for a new start for your own. So Schneider wants to preserve his good, so he wants to release something, as it will be appropriate to it.
Elsewhere, this condition is compared to death and birth. This is something that is understood uniformly in many places, but bears different names. The conventional representation of Yin and Yang reminds us of what Schneider describes here. And yet we human beings alone are only conditionally capable of lifting the drive from ourselves. We sometimes pass through this corner point without finding a rest. But how can one collect in such a way?
Let's go inside for once. Let's get ready for what's coming. So something should be possible that we will also know how to use well.
The Aesthetics of Idea and Thought
Certain things form the essence of the present, but they also form us as human beings. We couldn't perceive it any differently than it will be. Any change in it is tantamount to a loss. Any distortion of view and sense reduces that value of this thing to an uncertain extent. If you dissociate yourself from misjudging the realities of this world and start with yourself, in your own framework. This will be the small frame that we know how to survey. Something that has meaning for our existence is really present in it and can be recognized. It's easy for us to name it. But this way it will be known to us one day.
Once we are familiar with what is given, we can deal with it. There we work out something ordinary throughout with it, if everything goes well. In this way we penetrate the world by providing ourselves with order, even by maintaining it for us in its true state. If one turns one's own hut once, one makes ship clear with oneself. That's how we get a hold of what we have. There will be an orderliness of ourselves to keep, but also occur. What wouldn't be made easier!
Your own thoughts and ideas should arise and exist. What's good should be preserved. Let's stabilize it. Let us familiarize ourselves with the fact that this can promote and strengthen us when our things are in a suitable state. Then it will be quite possible that our happiness will also prosper a little.
But the fullness of joy weighs little when it comes to rightly necessary observance of our certain state of mind. What does this look like? What does it represent? - Let us simply fulfill our soul's desire for preservation. Let's just admit what's been causing us all our lives. We can figure that out and make something of it. We are as free as the wind, but also bound to the essence of reality. Let us simply leave the positions of arbitrariness of our habitus and find ourselves through the destiny and true nature of human nature. Let us resolve the faulty by means of a task and reflect on functional, true circumstances. That's how some things come to their conclusion.
Let us not spare ourselves the use of our own forces. At any time it will be the right moment to save your 'ship' from capsizing. Let's save our own belongings, but let's not simply tie them to what we want. Let us think about our descendants again. Our continued existence is uncertain, this world meanwhile full of dangers. What are we supposed to be stuffing our cheeks with? - An aesthetic of thoughts and ideas, meanwhile, should not be one that conceals these things.
Man would not attain the truth without insight. The real seems indispensable. It's having an effect, no matter what we named it. Fine words won't help. 'Beautiful words would not be true, true words would not be beautiful.' - A good acquaintance, the wife of a friend, once made a similar announcement. But that depends on what you're used to. That's what I'm thinking. Then, when you lie with beautiful words, the truth is bitter. Ruin is when you level the horrors of the world and make them equal to everything else. What's the use of it other than the loss of the last spark of an actual mind!
That's how reason gets under the wheels of whitewashing speeches. It's all booming. Everyone's a part of it. Thus people in this country are turned into cohorts of (social) losers and are allowed to serve an authority which actually does not deserve to be subject to it. I want to defend that word. Hey, a democracy is not a form of rule per se, but basically a community that has to form again and again. It would not replace the king or even an emperor by an elected head, but it would create a structure of equality, of the rule of law, of order. Oh, she makes man much more free than he really can be. There he can and should be allowed to choose his own steps. Meanwhile, we are all civil servants, if citizenship has really been understood as such. I don't suppose anybody's going to take it for granted. No one should be denied that he knows how to think about something like this. If one damages the state, he harms us all vehemently. If one damages the human being, he damages his order. Meanwhile, peace is forfeited. If one of us citizens damages the elected head (for a time, because of his office), we all have only something to laugh about. That falls back on us. It probably wouldn't affect us for nothing what happens.
Meanwhile, there is no faith in the authorities, but only one's own advantages, for which people argue. There the individual despises the Community when he acts in such a way. Such advantages are not needed by anyone who acts in accordance with the true sense of community. Whoever is supplied by the state has good reason to hold on to this imbalance or even intensify it. And it should be one if one makes excessive use of it or lives another kind of one-sidedness. He who withholds from the state what is the state is just as bad.
The face of the present seems paradoxical. Everything is so colourful, little thought through and often even reprehensible, what we still try to hold on to, because we hold such big chunks to it. And then, when we have finally realized what the Abyssus is all about, we will probably go and explore it. So I hope at least for a way out of this vale of tears. Who knows what today will be good for! - Who has not rightly believed in the phoenix that came out of the ashes? - He wants to return. Meanwhile, nobody needs to look for the ashes. The fire will already burn down all that has fallen victim to it. Seeking to reinforce this process will be something absurd.
Fighting a downfall just doesn't make sense. Even if we are all ready and willing to give up all that we have, are and do, it will be the good, the true and the right thing from which the world will be rebuilt. And she certainly won't care how hard the road will be to get there. Human pain would not be the dimension relevant to them. He serves her for his upbringing. You'd better keep what we have for ourselves. Let us share the little good we have left with those who have acted in our sense and let us trust in their consciences, their sense of existence.
In the end, everything we own will have been nothing more than an idea that is better passed on in a timely manner so that it can be found among our friends during our lifetime.
A system whose final conclusion means the extinction of the human spirit has been nothing useful. This shall apply to all members of the human spirit.
Inner wealth would not cost the world.
Subtle Truth
Wisdom is the direct experience of the value of a relationship with one's fellow human beings and is lived as such. Nobody can possess these, who was not able to recognize them also by others. To appropriate them means to us many different tasks as well as their accomplishment with prudence and faith. A righteousness of man is to be obtained, but could not be imposed upon him by other people.